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History for version 2.x

Old history list for versions 1.x

2.24 ( 10-Agust-2004 )
• PRO: Centered text was not right calculated on nested tables
• IP license was not being checked on the registered version
2.23 ( 30-July-2004 )
• PRO: Multiple paragraph format while centered, keeps a correct formatting Text.
• PRO: addPDF imports ColorSpaces from body contexts. Improved fonts reading.
• PRO: FDF values can be without forms notation ( now accepts only name)
• Bug in the AddText function when using a branch return tag at the end on the line.
2.22 ( 09-July-2004 )
• PRO: Nested table with row valign or cell valign was not correctly getting the total height
• PRO: Using internal instructions on HTML tables were not being used for cell size calculations.
• PRO: Improved white/blank removal chars on HTML documents
• PRO: Images with a specific size property was reserving a bigger space for a cell than it was.
• PRO: Better auto adjust table width when there is no width parameter specification for the table.
• PRO: Setting the table border to 1 and all cells to 0 was not drawing correctly the border of the table.
• PRO: Added a new CSS property to control the width calculation of the table; adjust-width
• PRO: A TD tag without a TR tag specified first was interrupting the execution
• PRO: Barcodes now doesn't have the transparent flag set.
• PRO: AddPDF imports only known images, if there is a problem the skips the image and it displays correctly the document
• PRO: AddPDF added support for small embedded fonts
• PRO: Last styles values in style tag was ignored if there wasn't end by a ;
• CharSpacing in AddText and AddTextWidth function
•   was not adding a blank space on the calculation logic for a correct alignment.
2.21 ( 05-May-2004 )
• PRO: True Type font with WinAnsi type was not correctly displayed
• PRO: AddPDF with ColorSpace inside the contents is ignored
• PRO: AddPDF fonts without name are being loaded
• PRO: AddPDF was not loading second pages
• AddTextPos can now use branch tags ( <br> )
• Euro font is missing
• Unicode wrong font format
2.20 ( 30-April-2004 )
• PRO: HTML added Margins tag
• PRO: HTML colors without # character are processed
• PRO: Nested centered tables were ignored
• PRO: AddPDF Imports TrueType fonts and Type1 fonts
• PRO: AddPDF Imports correctly Annotations types.
• PRO: script inside tables were giving a wrong size in cells.
• PRO: <IL> tag now aligns correctly if number gets higher than 9 and uses correct font size for the paragraph
• PRO: <!-PDF.SETPROPERTY tag was ignored
• PRO: Security was giving random fails by a bad pointer address
• PRO: Basic CSS support ( font-family font-weight font-size color page-break-after ) using referenced CLASS tag or direct STYLE tag
• PRO: csPropIntProxyUser, csPropIntProxyPass - New properties for setting HTTP basic authentication
• csPropIntDebugTCP, csPropIntDebugLevel - New properties for debugging
• Word spacing, render mode is stored for pages, this makes consistent changes when moving trough pages and restoring default drawing modes per page.
• UnicodeCheck is set to false by default. Some countries like Germany was adding it automatically when there was no need.
2.11 ( 26-March-2004 )
• PRO: AddPDF was not correctly loading multiple fonts
• PRO: AddPDF didn't get the image in the correct format mask
• PRO: AddPDF supports compression
• PRO: AddPDF supports linerazed PDFs
• PRO: AddPDF supports Unix coded PDFs
• PRO: AddPDF loads unknown graphics formats, like Fax TIFF
• PRO: Entities coded in decimal or hexadecimal were ignored if using a WinAnsi font.
• PRO: AddFont adds correctly win98 extarnal fonts
• PRO: Complex HTML with graphics was addind a blank new page at the final document
• PRO: HTML tables with a page body background color different was redering it in blank
• AddFonts performs a better error check and set the LastError information
2.10 ( 12-March-2004 )
• PRO: Big tables across multiple pages were losing primary width information
• PRO: AddPDF ; new function to import native PDF documents
• PRO: VAlign for cells is supported
• PRO: TR accepts alignment default for cells
• PRO: Better support for centered contents with different format styles
• PRO: Rewritten some classes to allow read access to existent PDF files ( item under work )
• PRO: Embedding fonts with added security PDF Reader was displaying a warning message and didn't use the embedded font
• PRO: Embedded fonts was not removing a memory pointer
• PRO: Hexadecimal is working for unicode
• PRO: HR tag was not correctly rendered if used twice between a simple text
• PRO: AutoAddPage was not working when the option was set to false and adding html tables
• PRO: Added support for TTF unicode fonts
• PRO: Better support for right alignment
• PRO: Added new constant csPropGraphBCRatio to control de BC Ratio
• PRO: Moving from one page to another updates cursors
• Takes care of GIF transparency
• When setting the csPropGraphDashLine, the property will not turn off with a zero value.
• Added support for native CJK fonts ( Chinese, Japanese and Korean ) using Unicode
• SetMargins accepts -1 parameters to only affect the margins you really want to set
• New function SaveVariant for use on .NET applications, now its fully compatible with .NET ( unsafe pointers )
• New property that controls if an image can be broken up by a page break or should create a new page if it
doesn't fit. Only AddGraphic Function. csPropGraphFullPage ( True by default, if it doesn't fit it will add a new page )
• Rewritten all debug functions, now you can debug remotely your application by using TCP/IP connection
with the aspEasyReg tool
2.06 ( 01-Feb-2004 )
•  PRO: HTML was not getting the correct styles
•  PRO: Graphics on cells aligned right were not correctly positioned
•  PRO: Title tag left a blank space that was printed on the next paragraph
•  Using binarywrite function with debug to screen automatically aborts post request to not corrupt the PDF document
2.05 ( 05-Jan-2004 )
• PRO: STYLES are ignored and they do not print the styles on the document as text.
• PRO: Tables with a bigger width than the page is adjusted automatically to make it fit to the page.
• PRO: Cell center alignments with more than two lines are correctly aligned
• PRO: Fixed some internal tags to allow merging with 3rd party utilities
• PRO: Skip blanks spaces Improved on html pages
• PRO: Adding object forms with inverted coordinates would not drawn the object.
• PRO: To mark by default a checkbox you should pass "On" as a parameter
• PRO: Font sizes greater than 7 were ignored
• PRO: External Fonts in html referred with F1x were ignored
• Compatible release of VisualEasyPDF 2.0 forms
• Version 2.04 was not correctly loading the VEP forms
• Was not using the correct color background when loafing VEP files
• Adding text on page jump with the csPropTextVertSpace activated could lost the last line
• Shadows are correctly positioned inside the rect frame and not outside.
• AddText and AddTextWidth ( with csPropAddTextWidth=2 constant ) now accepts angles
2.04 ( 05-Jan-2004 )
• PRO: Table cell was not removing a space at the beginning of the paragraph
• PRO: Tables with a bigger width than the page is adjusted automatically to make it fit to the page.
• PRO: Tables across pages in certain circumstances was not write in the next page and was overwriting all pages
• PRO: Future bookmarks were not working
• PRO: Sometimes the page break was not adjusting the correct Top margin
• PRO: Headers tags were not adding a branch return
• PRO: Headers have the align property added
• PRO: Table with image ratios where not right scaled
• PRO: URL & Bookmarks for page jumps can be defined even if the page does not exists.
• PRO: URL & Bookmarks for page jumps now you can specify just the page information and is not necessary to specify the coord.
• Graphics memory leaks
• Save function controls exceptions and prints the error information when debugging it ( done to prevent locked files )
• Inserting text in different format just when there is a page break was misplacing the text on the next page
• AddGraphic imports WMF and EMF vector graphics on the correct background color
• Two new constants to control the import size of a vector graphic; csPropGraphWidthImport, csPropGraphHeightImport
• GetProperty added for some of the constants that were lost
• If forms fields has blank text or blank hint then it was corrupting the document
• /UL and /OL was not closing the Order list
• csPropIntDebugTime
• Debug information when there is an error on AddHTML function
• Save debug information when the document has been saved.
2.03 ( 17-11-2003 )
• PRO: TD Align=right was adding a carriage return
• PRO: Nested tables with a table of 100% and some fixed columns was not getting the full 100% of the cell
• PRO: Security was not working for old Acrobat versions ( 3.0 to 5.0 )
• Saving several times the PDF document on the same instance was corrupting the final document.
2.02 ( 13-11-2003 )
• PRO: Security ( Encryption ) was not working when adding images.
• AddGraphic function was converting 24 bits images to 8 bits by error.
2.01 ( 10-11-2003 )
• AddGraphic was inserting twice the graphic
• For licensed users: gives more information on debug license
• For licensed users: use of MAC address if the HD serial fails
Final version ( 07-11-2003 )
• PRO: 128 bits strong security added
• PRO: Securities on 40 bits was requesting an user password if left blank. Corrected.
• PRO: AddNote now returns a name that can be used on the SetPropObj
Corrected some fails on the help file
• Ellipse now has shadows
• Added all constants definition inside the library
• SetPropObj now accepts Notes, now you can change the defaul positions and sizes
• csPropTextOverGraph added again for graphic priority
2.0 Release Candidate
2 ( 27-10-2003 )
• PRO: Improved html rendering and detecting white spaces bugs from IE and using it to produce the same output.
• PRO: Added a new function called AddPattern, to add footers and headers
• PRO: Added a new constant for HTML rendering csHTML_ImageRatio ( default: 1.35 )
• PRO: Added two internal tags: <!-PDF.PAGENUMBER> and <!-PDF.PAGECOUNT>
• PRO: Multiformat center accepted for HTML
• Bookmarks failed if there were subchilds added. Also added a new property to specify if it's openned
• JPG quality at 100% by default new constant csPropGraphJPGQuality to choose a different one ( 100 best 0 worst )
• Trial text reminder redesigned and removed the limitation of only two pages ( Released a RC1a for shareware users )
• Added a new item to control the open status of the open outlines: csPropObjOpenned & csPropObjText
• Improved graphic render when is 8 bits or lower
• Posibility to load an individual TIFF multipage or GIF frame image ( csPropGraphImageIndex )
• The library does not store GIF or TIF ( with LZW compression ) images on the PDF, this doesn't vulnerable the Unisys Patent.
If you use compression you may vulnerable this license if the Patent still available on your country, so you should contact Unisys to make an agreement with them.
We strongly suggest to use the PNG format instead of the GIF format.
• Added more importing graphic formats see AddGraphic function
2.0 Release Candidate 1 ( 13-10-2003 )
• Added VEP loadable forms, draw as a template, and dynamic change of VEP objects before insertion ( Needs VisualEasyPDF version 1.01 )
• Improved nested tables
• Finished the help file
• If graphic was not found the library was crashing
• Border, CellSpacing, Cellpadding can be decimal variables
• Coded all 1.72 features and corrections ( Coded for big stress conditions and for multiple CPU / load balancing servers )
2.0 Beta 1 ( 11-09-2003 )
• First beta version of 2.0 ;-)

This is the first Beta published, please report any error on the forum. Thanks.

At this moment we are still working on some issues that will be fixed on the final release of 2.0;

- Nested Tables
- Scroll list doesn't print the current list, you must select one to display it correctly
- WinXP and MacOSX design objects
- Full support to the Unicode
- CKJ Fonts
- To finish the Constant help file section

General news from version 2.0:

- AddGraphic, PNG graphic format added
- AddGraphic, TIFF graphic format added ( there is no option of multi page )
- AddGraphic release correctly the memory when there was an error loading the graphic
- AddGraphic is no more limited to 100 per page, now is unlimited and has faster load process( memory handling )
- AddGraphic returns Boolean value to known if the graphic has been added
- SetTrueTypeFont -- > AddFont
- Fonts are unlimited, there is no more limitation of 15 fonts.
- You can use any name to define the TTF fonts, the F1 to F14 are reserved for PDF internal fonts
- Unique identification of each PDF file
- Internal pointers is not more using words ( limited to 65k def ) now we can use 4.294.967.295 objects internally, this means that maximum number of pages, graphics, fonts... etc.
- Password protection ( user and owner )
- Permissions ( printing, changing, notes... )
- Dash Lines properties
- Can use 40 bits encryption and is prepared for the 128 bits
- New Function: AddEllipse for ellipses and circles
- Advanced functions grph_xxxx
- AddNote
- URL jump labels can be set before defining it
- Faster memory release when destroying the PDF
- Outlines ( bookmarks )
- Rounded Rectangles with or without shadows
- Annotations for Text popups and marks
- Different country different legal sizes...add - (US Legal?) 8 1/2 * 14
- CYMK support for text, html, primitives and advanced graphics
- csPropTextVertSpace property to control vertical space, default 0
- csPropGraphShadowPos
- csPropGraphWidthShadow is float number and fills boxes
- Forms.
- Buttons, Edit boxes, combo boxes, list boxes, check boxes and radio buttons.
- Forms File default creations, FDF files.
- JavaScript for object forms. Event programming.
- Table inside table
- License now checks multiple IP address and has a better debug technique. Now supports Windows 2003 Server
- License return true or false if it works or fails to load the license.
- Help file revised and got a new interface to better seek information.